Charlie puts the call out to the local Angels to participate in an action-packed two-day mountain biking event in Whistler, BC.
Where in the world would you find 240 women riding bikes en masse? Infamous mountain bike event organiser and Charlie extraordinaire Tony Horn answered the call of the women in Whistler two years ago by initiating the area’s most successful ladies-only mountain bike event. [private]
Now in its second year, Charlie’s Angels drew record numbers and pitted bona fide shredders against first-time wannabe racers in a downhill / cross country monolithic mash up.
The girls were split into three teams based on riding strengths, personality and choice of battle weaponry: Jill vs Kelly vs Sabrina. The aims? To find out which Angel team would reign supreme, and to crown the fastest individual of the weekend.
Day one was a downhill time trial in the Whistler Bike Park; day two was a 24km cross country race on some of Whistler’s most beautiful and technical singletrack.
This was no ordinary race event. For a start, all of the volunteers were men. These male vollies – or ‘Bosleys’ as they were soon affectionately dubbed – were encouraged to take their roles with a pinch of cheekiness.
A lack of attire was popular theme, much appreciated by the Angels, but the effort the Bosleys put into their aid stations blew the girls away. Fresh cocktails served à la Love Boat, freestyle raps, disco lights and boom boxes dotted course, as Charlie and every Bosley went all out to ensure the girls had a fun weekend of racing, jam-packed with entertainment.
Here’s the best way to tell the story – with photos.
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