With practice for the stages 1 and 7 of the Enduro World Series, downhill practice, and the Oceania Whip Off Championship, it was a real mixed bag of riding, with a common thread of ‘holy shit’ running through it. Let’s take a look at some of the day’s highlights.
Enduro World Series Practice, stages 1 and 7
“They told me we didn’t need a f#cking full face,” said old mate in the Emergency room of the Rotorua Hospital, “I needed a full face.” He certainly wasn’t the only mountain biker admitted to the Rotorua ER today, as countless riders learned just how tough racing at the top of EWS competition can be. Stages 1 and 7 took a lot of riders by surprise; rooty, slippery, steep and challenging.
Downhill practice
Yesterday had already seen the first session of downhill practice, but with riders getting up to speed a little more today, and line starting to bed in, we got a good idea of who’s looking threatening for Friday’s racing.
Oceania Whip Off Championships
The first major event of Crankworx Rotorua was the Whip Off, held on the whopping final tabletop of the downhill course. The hour-long throw down saw Ryan Howard fling himself so sideways it seemed impossible that he could bring things back to the straight and narrow before touching down. Plenty of people didn’t, and there were some monster crashes. An awesome crowd turned up to check it all out, which bodes well for the rest of the week too.
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