The GT Ultimate Weekend: Two Bros, Two New Bikes, Too Much Froth

It’s hard to picture a better weekend really; you and your brother, reunited in Bright Victoria, with two brand new bikes, and a massive schedule of riding, dining, beering and bantering ahead of you. We’re stoked to have been able to give that opportunity to David and Michael Nye, the winners of our GT Ultimate Weekend competition!

These two brothers had the weekend of their lives, discovering what Bright is all about. Watch the vid and soak up the pics below for a taste of their experience!

Thanks to everyone who made this amazing prize come together:

GT Bicycles

Ride High Country

Bright River Rest

Blue Dirt Mountain Biking

Bright Brewery


The Ginger Baker

Sixpence Coffee

Dave, our comp winner, with his new 2019 GT Sensor Carbon Elite.
And his brother, Micheal, with his fresh 2019 GT Force Comp.
The digs for the weekend, Bright River Rest.
Beers and bike setup. Getting things dialled in before a big day of shuttles.
All aboard the beast! Our winners had a full day of shuttles with Blue Dirt.
Top of Bright, top of the world.
Let’s get to it!


Hucking amongst the pines.
A little bit of rain made for tacky perfection in the corners.
Navigating Bright’s tech steeps.
The face of a good day out.
Muddy, rooted, happy.
That’s how it should look.
Best burgers in town at Tomahawks.
The mountain bikers’ beer.
A few takeaways? Why not.
Fuel for another big day on the trails.
Sunday was spent exploring the twisty singletrack of the lower slopes of Mt Mystic.
Did we mention that David gets to keep this bike?
The weekend wrapped up with a session at Bright Brewery, with head brewer and owner, Scott.
Dark and story. Bright Brewery’s beers are delicious.
And that’s a wrap! Lock that weekend in the memory bank and enjoy the afterglow.

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