Photo Feature: Deep Summer – Duncan Philpott

If you had four days in one of the most beautiful locations known to mountain bikers, with four loose notherners from the UK and you had to create a 5 minute riding slideshow, you would probably end up with something similar to the following:

Duncan Philpott Deep Summer 2013 from Steel City Media on Vimeo.

Deep Summer was four days of flat out photography, fun, stress and minimal sleep. It still remains as one of the best things we’ve done with so many experiences crammed into such a short amount of time it was a privilege to take part in it all. From sitting in a boardroom at Whistler Blackcomb on the first morning, surrounded by childhood freeride legends, mountain bike multimedia heavyweights and some of the top photographers in the industry, it seemed a little daunting at first. Needless to say everyone we encountered was super friendly, the nerves died down and once the photography started it all became a blur speeding towards the final destination of the Olympic plaza where the slideshows were presented in front of a packed crowd. Sitting there watching the full collection of slideshows we were overly impressed by the standard of the shows this year. Each member of the team had their own personal favourite and none of us would have wanted to judge it!



The core team: Ali Chapple, Joe Bowman, Craig Evans and Rob Stokes. Yorkshire's finest plus one Cumbrian who's practically Scottish.
The core team: Ali Chapple, Joe Bowman, Craig Evans and Rob Stokes. Yorkshire’s finest plus one Cumbrian who’s practically Scottish.


A little bit of dutch courage before the slideshow presentation, the crowd response was overwhelming and it was incredible to see the 4 days pay off.
A little bit of dutch courage before the slideshow presentation, the crowd response was overwhelming and it was incredible to see the 4 days pay off.
Celebrating the final run, of the final feature on the final day... with the biggest crash of three days shooting.
Celebrating the final run, of the final feature on the final day… with the biggest crash of three days shooting.
A bunch of landscapes that in hindsight... should have probably gone in the slideshow. BC is a beautiful place which is all too easy to forget when you're in a manic rush riding 24/7.
A bunch of landscapes that in hindsight… should have probably gone in the slideshow. BC is a beautiful place which is all too easy to forget when you’re in a manic rush riding 24/7.
Mosquito-mageddon. If you're ever camping in the high alpine, bring Deet.... and lots of it! We had an overnight stay on Sproatt to try and make the best of a sunset and sunrise. However for us, the weather played against us and we were greeted by nothing but cloud in the morning!
Mosquito-mageddon. If you’re ever camping in the high alpine, bring Deet…. and lots of it! We had an overnight stay on Sproatt to try and make the best of a sunset and sunrise. However for us, the weather played against us and we were greeted by nothing but cloud in the morning!
Nothing but the best diet for our high caliber athletes. Shuttles were common when you have to get so much content in three days. We only broke one truck so we reckon that's pretty good going!
Nothing but the best diet for our high caliber athletes. Shuttles were common when you have to get so much content in three days. We only broke one truck so we reckon that’s pretty good going!

We’d like to thank Sarah and all the Whistler / Crankworx staff that makes this event possible, for giving us the opportunity to compete in such a unique event!



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