As a photographer I take a hell of a lot of photos and most of them don’t see the light of day. I send vast selections of photos off to editors and months later they choose just a small amount – and even then, most end up as tiny little photos on a lonely piece of paper that people breeze by.
So rather than the photos dying a digital death I am going to regularly put a few together for the Flow readers. Maybe it will inspire you to take more photos, or maybe it will inspire you to ride and travel more. Either way, I hope it inspires you in some way.
As the resident photo geek at Flow, if at anytime you have questions about mountain bike photography feel free to hit me up at
These are a few leftovers from a trip to Oregon, Washington (USA). It was an amazing place and the few days I had was never going to be enough. This trip was rushed and the hardest thing with most road trips is finding the balance between riding, driving and shooting. With so many places to ride and see I did end up wasting too much time on the road. Still, I loved it.
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