Day two of the Thredbo Cannonball festival was greeted with the threat of bad weather. It’s all part of racing in the Australian alpine region but with a day jam packed with action – with the Flow Nation Cup, downhill seeding – and Whip Off Wars all planned, we all had our fingers crossed.
However the weather got the better of the action. Lightning and chairlifts aren’t the best of friends and just moments before the first racer’s took off for the Flow Nation Cup the clouds moved in for hours of persistent electrical activity and heavy rain. It was a tough but nessasary call and all racing for the day had to be postponed.
Rather than being defeated by the weather the Thredbo Cannonball organisers enthusiastically moved the competitors indoors for a bit of fun with giveaways, a little competition, and some autograph signing from the top pros (and maybe a few beers). All the race action but has been moved to tomorrow with a full day of Flow Nation Cup and Australian Open Downhill planned. Unfortunately the Whip Off Wars will have to be battled next year.
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