Dirt Art Announces Club Grants for Trail Building Services

IMG_3378Dirt Art are the crew behind some of Australia’s most successful trail projects, including the new Hero Trail at Bright (watch the vid), the Hollybank MTB Park (vid here) and the upcoming Maydena Bike Park. And now they’re giving clubs the chance to secure their expertise for free.

Read on for all the details below:

Dirt Art are pleased to release their first club grants program, offering Australian not-for-profit groups the opportunity to apply for free design, consultancy and construction services.

The grants program formalises Dirt Art’s long history of donating significant resources back to the Australian industry annually. The grants are open to any Australian not-for-profit group, who has permission from relevant land owners/managers for the visit and/or construction works to occur. The grants on offer are;

  • –  Two individual one day site visit grants to assist in the provision of design and/or consultancy services. These grants are perfect for helping groups begin the process of pursuing a mountain bike development.
  • –  One construction grant, providing one week of construction services from one of Dirt Art’s skilled trail crews (including an excavator)

    The grants include all travel, accommodation and staffing costs.
    Interested groups can send a one page PDF summary of your project, noting key

    benefits the grant will provide, to info@dirtart.com.au Applications close 11am Monday May 10th.

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