Entries for The 2017 Santa Cruz NZ Enduro Open Sunday!

After two successful sold out years the third annual Santa Cruz NZ Enduro opens for registration this Sunday October 16th. This three day multi stage enduro race will take place from March 10-12, 2017 in beautiful Marlborough on the top of New Zealand’s South Island, home to some of New Zealand’s most scenic and sacred trails.

The entry link will be posted on the event Facebook page here and NZ Enduro website on 16th of October at 4pm AEST. 

Entries will be open for 48 hours, the 140 entries will be selected using a combination of lottery and ‘first come first serve’ system, as well as some invitational entries.

You will be able to submit group entries and successful applicants will be notified by direct email.

Santacruz NZ Enduro MTB Stage race.

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Nelson Summer 15/16


Basic Facts: Three days of multi stage enduro style racing format, March 10-12 2017. Marlborough, NZ.

Close to Ferry terminal of Picton and towns of Nelson and Blenheim. Natural trails, native NZ forests and jungle, scenic, challenging, fast, flowy, technical and steep at times with a laid back vibe and atmosphere. No start order or set liaison times, but with professional timing and the chance to ride with your friends and have a swim if you want. There’s good food, beer, coffee and of course great trails.

NZ enduro 2017 from NZ enduro on Vimeo.

Race entry costs are $345 NZD and that includes a helicopter shuttle, food and good times.

The Santa Cruz NZ Enduro, for those visiting for the EWS, it is perfectly timed to dust off your race cobwebs here in the sunny southern hemisphere.


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