This shock is aiming to combine the user friendly three-position compression adjustment of the DPS shock with the low-pressure damper design found the Float x2, a shock that has excellent damping control but which lacks truly relevant on-the-fly adjustability.
Performance series DPX2 shocks will get the usual Open, Medium and Firm damping mode, while the Factory version also scores 10-click compression adjustment of the Open mode for more precise tuning.
Compared to the Float X, the dimensions of the top eyelet are smaller and the reservoir a little shorter, which should help it clear water bottles in tighter frames, a common issue when trying to squeeze a piggy-back shock in. The adjusters, particularly the rebound adjuster, are much easier to access too (tuning the rebound was a nightmare on the Float X).
We absolutely loved the performance of the DPS shock and the new EVOL air can when it was released a couple of years back (read our full review here), so it’s great to see that tech incorporated into a high volume air shock format.
Retail pricing of the new shock in Australia will be $829, with availability from mid-July 2017.
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