Flow’s First Bite: Orange Seal Tubeless Sealant

The not-so-minor details


Orange Seal Tubeless Sealant



Endurance Sealant

4 oz with injection $24.99, 8 oz with injection $33.99, 16 oz refill $42.99

Regular Sealant

4 oz with injection $21.99, 8 oz with injection $26.99, 16 oz refill $39.99


Endurance formula increases time between refills.
Installation kit allows for installation and refilling without unbeading the tyre.
Seals larger holes than other sealants on the market.


None as yet.

Compared to almost every other product we test here at Flow, tubeless sealant only has a few performance indicators by which it can be judged, and often the less we have to say about sealant, the better it is. But (pardon the pun), what if they’re not actually all so similar after all?

Orange Seal offer two types of tubeless sealant.
Orange Seal offer two types of tubeless sealant.

Orange Seal aren’t a well know name in the Australian market yet, but that could all change considering the claimed benefits of their products over their competitors.

We’ve listed the key questions we ask ourselves about any sealant, followed by a description of how the Orange Seal offerings stack up.

  1. How long does Orange Seal work for?

Across the board, most sealants claim to last for about 3-6 months before requiring replacement. Orange Seal differ here by offering two products in their line up- “Regular Sealant” and “Endurance Sealant”.

If, like we were, you’re a bit confused about what exactly would be different about the two sealants, see below for the word from Orange Seal:

“Orange Seal’s Endurance Sealant lasts 2-3 times longer, seals a little slower, and doesn’t seal quite as large a hole as regular sealant. Endurance Sealant is for the less technical rider looking for longer sealant time.”

Orange Seal's Endurance Sealant is claimed to last two to three times longer than Regular Sealant.
Orange Seal’s Endurance Sealant is claimed to last two to three times longer than Regular Sealant.

“Orange Seal’s Regular Sealant is proven to seal large punctures up to 6.35mm. For riders that race, or check their tyres frequently, ride gnarly trails and want fast acting sealant.”

So, one lasts longer but apparently doesn’t seal as well, the other dries up faster but will hopefully seal a bigger hole. We’ve got to say, as riders who place a premium on reliability above all else, this Endurance Sealant better last a long time if it’s not going to seal holes up as effectively. Given how frequently we find ourselves changing tyres too, we might not be the exact target market. But if you’re the kind of rider who leaves their tyres on for 12 months at a time and doesn’t want to stuff about topping up sealant, it might be up your alley.

Despite being unnerved somewhat by Orange Seal’s disclaimer on their Endurance Sealant about its slower puncture sealing, we’re giving it the benefit of the doubt and currently testing it on several bikes, so keep an eye out for feedback in the near future.

The Regular Sealant, however, is a proven performer, and we’ve been using it in many of our demo bikes for some time now. Unlike other products, which dry up into a funky, snotlike ball after a few months, Orange Seal’s Regular Sealant remains in liquid form for many months, and has sealed some solid sized holes out on the trail. Check out the videos below to see the Regular Sealant in action.

     2. How much sealant do I need to use?

Orange Seal recommend using between 90-120ml per 27.5” or 29” tyre, which is around what we would use with other products, regardless of the claims made by some manufacturers that you can use far less. Having the 118ml bottle with the injector makes installing the sealant very simple.

The 118ml bottle with the injector makes installation a breeze.
The 118ml bottle with the injector makes installation a breeze.

  1. Can I top it up without unbeading the tyre?

Yes you can. One of the big benefits of the Orange Seal sealant is the very simple installation and top up system. The 118ml bottles come with an injector that attaches perfectly to the bottle and the valve with the valve core removed, allowing you to simple squeeze in the desired amount of sealant to your tyre without unbeading it, or to prepare the tyre for installation without the potential of spilling sealant all over yourself. The video below demonstrates the simplicity of the injector system.

  1. What sizes does it come in?

Orange Seal (both Regular Sealant and Endurance Sealant) comes in a variety of sizes, from 118ml to 473ml (4-16 ounces). We would recommend buying the 118ml bottle with the injection system, and then buying the more economical larger bottles to refill the smaller bottle with.

Orange Seal offer a variety of sizes for both types of sealant.
Orange Seal offer a variety of sizes for both types of sealant.

Overall, we can strongly vouch for Orange Seal’s Regular Sealant as a solid performer in terms of installation, longevity and effectiveness at sealing punctures.

In terms of the Endurance Sealant, only time will tell if Orange Seal’s funky product description is simply a display of nerves after making the big claim of having a product that lasts twice as long as its competitors. Watch this space!


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