Wheelworks Flite Apex Enduro: Value Conscious Wheels on Review

The not-so-minor details


Wheelworks Flite Apex Enduro





What are they?

The Flite Apex Enduro are a $1080 ($1200 NZ) set of wheels using 30mm wide DT Swiss 511 rims, Wheelwork’s Dial hubs and round-section double-butted DT Swiss spokes. The weight is a reasonable 1922g, there’s lifetime warranty on spokes and nipples, and you’re able to customise the colours of the stickers to match your sweet ride, we opted for the green decals of our glossy black Specialized Enduro for a bit of pop and dazzle.

Ever wanted a genuinely well-built pair of wheels?

But what makes a Wheelworks wheelset a valid option for an upgrade is the build process that they pride themselves on. You can read all about the Wheelworks wheel building process in our interview with Wheelworks founder Tristan Thomas. We truly recommend you have a read, as there are some pretty interesting aspects to the process and Tristan does a great job of dispelling some popular myths about wheels.

Swapping out the stock Specialized wheels didn’t drop any grams but after one or two rides the bike certainly felt more responsive, stiffer and the rear hub far more engaging.

Stay tuned for more as we put some hard hours on the wheelset over summer!

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