Video: Biggest Attempted Front Flip in Mountain Bike History

Tom van Steenbergen was one of the most exciting and hyped riders coming into Red Bull Rampage 2014. After a disappointing result in 2013 and a shoulder injury earlier this year, Trek’s 19-year-old Dutch native, who now resides in Canada, was hungry to show the world his true capabilities on a mountain bike.

After landing this world record frontflip while filming for Anthill Films early this summer, he showed up to Rampage 2014 with the intention of doing the same over the massive 72-foot canyon gap.

It wasn’t really calculated. I just kinda went for it not knowing the exact speed and rotation, which was pretty scary.

Unfortunately, Steenbergen’s frontflip attempt on the huge gap came up just one foot short, and he took a hard fall. Although he walked away with his head held high, it was visibly one of the roughest falls taken in Rampage finals.

“I knew it wasn’t going to work as soon as my back tire hit the ground. It was just a bit earlier than I expected,” said Steenbergen. “It wasn’t really calculated. I just kinda went for it not knowing the exact speed and rotation, which was pretty scary.”

TVS sprained his sacoriliac joint in the crash, causing him huge pain. “I usually try to get up and start walking after I crash,” he admitted. “But I was in quite a bit of pain – I almost passed out when I got up.”

I mostly spend my time building new stuff to ride when I’m fully healed . . . I can’t wait to get back at it

“The recovery is going pretty good,” he says. “I’ve been seeing my chiropractor two times a week, and I’ve mostly spent my time building new stuff to ride when I’m fully healed.”

“I can’t wait to get back at it and hopefully stay healthy for a little while now,” added Steenbergen. “Injuries suck, but it’s part of what we do, we’re gonna have to live with it!”

Watch the VOD replay of Red Bull Rampage finals, including on-demand replays of specific runs, on the Red Bull Rampage site.


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