Fresh off the plane from Italy, Giant Factory Racing’s Josh Carlson took the time to chat with Flow about his experiences at the inaugural round of the World Enduro Series in Punta Ala.
Click below to hear what Josh had to say:
Josh nabbed himself a fantastic tenth place (despite having only minimal practice after his plane went AWOL at an Italian airport!). The event was huge success, attracting the some of the biggest names in mountain biking, across all kinds of disciplines. Just take a look at the podium; Barel, Clements and Graves – a DH World Champion, an Enduro specialist and a 4X/BMX legend – it doesn’t get a whole lot more diverse than that.
Josh was pretty cagey about the new bike he’s been riding, a carbon 650B-equipped Reign, but Sven Martin was kind enough to nab a few shots of the steed.
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