7am – Little bit of a sleep in today before a lunch time race start for the stage one time trail around Smithfield. Priorities in place with coffee quickly made and chilling time on the lounge as the body gets it self together.
Super smooth instant coffee is a reasonable starting point for the day.
8am – A brief discussion on what needs to be done prior to race start and what will actually happen takes place. Then we are down to breakfast for some of the accom’s finest cereals.
9am – Bike prep time with a bike wash , bolt check, last minute adjustments and tyre pressure checks. Both of our Giant Anthem pro 29’s are running full Shimano XTR which keeps running smoothly wherever the trails goes.
1030am – Kit up and get the race bags sorted before heading for a spin and to find a good brew.
1130am – Spin over to the race start for plate collection. Lots crew frothing to get out on the trails.
1200pm – Number plates are on and we squeeze in a quick spin to get the legs ready for the start. Brendan and I are feeling good and ready to get it done.
1230pm – Count down timer goes off. Watt bomb trigger is pulled and were off down the start straight and into the jungle.
We ride together the full loop and pace each other well on the climbs and descents to scrap in under the hour for the 20km and 800m of vert.
No crashes, I didn’t spew or lead Brendan into anything too dangerous on the descents.
130pm – Finished the stage and I’m pretty happy. No crashes, I didn’t spew or lead Brendan into anything too dangerous on the descents. A few interviews with local news and the event team done and we are rolling back to HQ.
230pm – Bike wash completed and its time for a deserved shake. Room is still smelling pretty fresh, I might add.
4pm – Made it to the beach for a quick dip and a beer at trinity beach. Recovery done right. Good to see some other competitors down the beach heading for a dip too.
530pm – Presentation and a Yellow jersey after the win on stage one. Added bonus to be the only team to break the hour mark.
630 pm– Quick dash to the super market for snacking and tomorrow’s breakfast. Down to palm cove with the Shimano crew for dinner. Great way to end the day. Pizza and Peroni’s make mountain bikers happy.
830pm – Time to pack and prepare for tomorrow’s stage at Davies creek. Some smoove lube on the chain and a protein shake and it’s time to get some rest.
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