Fresh Produce | Maxima Waterproof Grease

Price: $19.95 AUD Available From: Lusty Industries

We recently received a tub of Maxima Waterproof Grease from Aussie importer, Lusty Industries. The funny thing is though, we’ve still got a tub from about three years ago that is still about 3/4 full! Not only does this stuff last for ages, making it very much worth the money, it’s also hands down our favourite grease to use in the workshop.

maxima waterproof grease
Looks tasty, but we wouldn’t recommend eating the Maxima Waterproof Grease.

Maxima Waterproof Grease

If you’re not familiar with the blue goo, Maxima Waterproof Grease is a multi-purpose grease that’s claimed to be suitable for everything from lubricating threads and axles, through to servicing hub and bottom bracket bearings.

It’s based around a Lithium complex grease and has a thick consistency with a high-strength film that helps to reduce wear between metal-on-metal components. It’s also very resistant to washout, which is ideal for a component like a threaded bottom bracket that’s subjected to muddy puddles and frequent washing. We’ve found that to be the case in the real world, with the blue grease often remaining in place even after a year of frequent riding.

You don’t need much either. A small dab on fork and frame thru-axles is ideal to keep them sliding smoothly in and out of your hubs, and you only need a smidge on pedal threads to prevent them from seizing up. Indeed it’ll probably be years before we finish the first tub!

maxima waterproof grease
Ideal for greasing up your fork and frame axles.
maxima waterproof grease
Waterproof by name, waterproof by nature. This stuff really sticks well and has become a staple in the Flow workshop.

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