Riding with DHaRCO – Sydney’s Northern Beaches – the Aussie Lifestyle

The Northern Beaches of Sydney is the home of DHaRCO, where the lightweight and breathable apparel products were born and bred.

The idea behind the brand is balancing simple fashion in a casual laid back style, but with maximum technical capabilities.


DHaRCO teamed up with Mondraker Australia, Bliss Protection Australia, Dirt Merchant and Sean Anderson to release an edit showing the lifestyle and riding in Sydney, Australia.



The video is about life – work hard, play hard. It’s about finishing a day in the office and heading out to meet some friends for a ride, getting loose and ending with a cold beer at the beach. What could be better?

Coupled with sick riding, the edit shows the heritage of Sydney with natural rock features, berms, loam and the beach – all part of the local ride scene.


This is what we call no ordinary life




The film was possible thanks to the support of DHaRCO, Mondraker Australia, Bliss Protection Australia, Urge Helmets and DirtMerchant.com

Filmed and Edited by the talented Sean Anderson (Boorangee)

And of course there is no edit without great riders, so big kudos to: Ryan Hunt, Matt Hardwick, Genevieve McKew, Jake Newell and Kellie Weinert

Behind the scene photos thanks to Matt Staggs. At only 16, a serious injury has seen him off the bike for 8 months and counting. So he has jumped behind the lens to make the most of his downtime.

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